The adventure ends… for now.

So I’ve been home for a week now, but I’m just getting to updating this now. I wasn’t as active at this as I would have liked, but I think it will give me a better way at looking at it in years to come.

My summer abroad was definitely one of the greatest experiences of my life. Even if the weather sucked (and it did), I got to experience something I will never forget. I’m looking into a work abroad program for when I graduate, so hopefully I will do at least another four months in London.

To be honest, i think it took me a good four weeks to get used to it. When everyone else said they wanted to move to England, I thought they were crazy. But of course, once I finally started to learn to love it and stopped being homesick, it was time to go home. I miss everything about it so much. (except expenses and the lack of Dunkin Donuts). Mainly, I just loved being able to go out to a pub and meet someone from a different country every time. And the markets. And awesome baguette.

I’ve gotten used to American time and customs again (but I totally had a Post Tramatic Stress Disorder moment when a bird flew by my head and I thought it was going to fly into me or poop on me, like they do in London). Some basic things I figured out about myself I hope to take away from my experience, though. Things I knew I needed to work on anyway, but somehow being a million miles away makes it clearer. I need to spend more time with the people I care about and less time with technology. I also want to get exploring familiar neighborhoods more, and finding new things to discover.

I’ll still be updating this blog sporadically, if I miss London or if I have any other traveling adventures. If I do work abroad once I graduate, I plan to be better at updating this.

