Updates and Future Adventures

I want to keep this blog active, but sadly I have had few travel adventures lately. Well, as of last week I have two big trips planned for this summer and I finally have something to look forward to (and something to blog about).

Los Angeles / Disneyland

In July I fly out to LA for a week to see my boyfriend, Matt. We definitely will be spending two days in Disneyland, but I still have a good three days in LA to figure out. I would like some culture and history, but I am not sure that LA is really the place for being cultured. I’m currently thinking about checking out the tar pits and a studio tour of some kind. I also want to spend a good amount of my time at the beach. My trip will probably just consist of a lot of people watching and overall will be pretty laid back. This is the first trip I have ever planned on my own though, so I am pretty excited about that. I am also very open to ideas of things to do in LA, so feel free to give me some suggestions.

Romania/ Hungary

I keep forgetting that this is actually happening but I’m going on a service trip to Romania in August. I’m a bit skeptical of some volunteer groups that bring people in to do work, but I did some research on the organization running on the program and it seems very positive. I also had two great experiences with my service trips to South Dakota and El Salvador, so I have high hopes for this one as well. I’m super excited to immerse myself in the culture and meet people in a new part of the world. We fly into Budapest, Hungary and then drive for six hours to our location in Romania. We will be in Transylvania, which looks absolutely beautiful.


I did get to have a little weekend trip to Maine last month to visit my grandparents and we were lucky enough to stumble upon a moose and some gorgeous scenery. Here are a few photos:

She was extremely docile and just stood there and watched us for awhile. It was amazing how close she was.

She was extremely docile and just stood there and watched us for awhile. It was amazing how close she was.

To give you some perspective, this picture was taken in May and there was still ice and snow everywhere.

To give you some perspective, this picture was taken in May and there was still ice and snow everywhere.